Breastfeeding Journal
The aim of this journal is to support you through your breastfeeding journey and through the transition you make when you stop breastfeeding. This may be sooner than you expected, or it may be something you planned for.
Reflecting is a way of helping you to process your thoughts and feelings about your breastfeeding experience and figure out where you are now. You might like to try the grounding exercise on the next page before and after having your reflective time.
You don’t have to complete this journal in one sitting or in order – just choose the sections that attract you and spend as little or as long as you like.
You can add to it at any time, it is YOUR journal and you can do whatever you like with it.
You might like to photocopy some pages and burn them, bury them, frame them or share them with people that you love . There are NO rules.
I hope that reflecting on your journey will bring you some peace and allow you to honour the ups and the downs you have experienced along the way.